Do you think your kids spend too much time in front of the TV or playing video games? Are you struggling to get them to be more active? A great idea to get them moving off the sofa and onto the field is BUBBLE SOCCER! You don’t even have to wait for Soccer season to start. Bubble Soccer is a great option for kids and big kids alike (thanks to The Bachelor making his bachelorettes play a game of Bubble Soccer last year).
All you have to do is find a park, hire the bubble balls and get the kids together, it’s great all year round. If it’s raining find an indoor gym, don’t let the weather get you down and stop you from having fun.
Bubble soccer provides hours of entertainment while promoting physical activity. Pair this with some healthy snacks including a box of sliced oranges (in honour of cold Sunday mornings spent at your child’s game) and you have a winner! The best part is you can do this any time. Get the kids to slip into the Bubble and start running around bumping each other.
to add some competition into the mix why not hire an inflatable arena? You can host a full on game with strikers, defenders and goalies! If you really want to make your child’s birthday stand out, organise team wristbands and socks to match the Bubble Soccer ball colours. You can then host a full competition, the winners get cake at the end! Get your kids to work as a team to score the most goals. Fitness and teamwork are an excellent combination. Your kids will be happy at you’ll be relaxing watching them enjoy themselves.
What about food and drinks? Besides the Bubble Soccer and great company the kids will be there for the food. Every kid is different so having a mix of both healthy and traditional party food will be a hit with everyone. Organising a fresh fruit platter with sliced oranges,
watermelon, strawberries and grapes is a great option for a quick snack in between the game. They can pick at it without filling their bellies before lunch or dinner time. Standard party pies and sausage rolls are a great idea, these can be made at home so you know exactly what’s going into them. Providing plenty of water and Powerade or Gatorade to add to the sporting atmosphere.
Check out Pinterest for some tasty soccer/football themed snacks to really get into the spirit of a Bubble Soccer party.
Comfortable clothing, something you can easily move around in. Something with sleeves is recommended because you will be wearing the straps to hold the ball up. Footwear easy to run in like sneakers or gym shoes.
Get your friends together and split your selves into two teams (even numbers), toss a coin to see who kicks off. The rules are simple, get the ball to your team mates and score as many goals as possible! You can choose from pop up goals and mark the pitch with cones or an actual inflatable arena, goals and everything!
Indoor or Outdoor they can be great fun for team building events, schools or sport clubs.
Follow these rules and you can start your own Bubble Soccer Tournament!
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